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HAL - Hypertext Application Language

HAL (Hypertext Application Language) is a simple format for representing linked resources in REST APIs. It helps APIs provide structured responses with links, making navigation between resources easier.

Key Features

  • Uses JSON or XML to format API responses.
  • Includes hyperlinks (_links) to connect related resources.
  • Helps clients discover API functionality without hardcoding URLs.

Example HAL Response

json code snippet start

  "_links": {
    "self": { "href": "/orders/123" },
    "customer": { "href": "/customers/456" }
  "id": 123,
  "status": "shipped"

json code snippet end

This response provides details about an order while linking to the related customer.

Why Use HAL?

  1. Standardized structure for APIs.
  2. Easier navigation between resources.
  3. Reduces hardcoded URLs, making APIs more maintainable.

Read the full HAL specification: :